This story starts out with the happenings of a normal evening. Ky and Dan headed to PetCo with the dogs in tow. Dan with Tiana and Ky with Sid.
Fast Forward several hours.
We took Ky to bed, fed the frogs, read a story about Dinosaurs, said prayers and gave kisses good night.
Within a couple of minutes I hear sobbing coming from Ky's room. I head upstairs and sit on the edge of her bed to find out what is wrong. She can hardly contain herself and I have to tell her to take a few deep breaths so I can understand her.
Come to find out, when she went to the pet store a little boy wanted to pet Sid but Ky was on her way out and trying to catch up with Dan and Tiana, so she did not let him. She said she had been feeling bad about it all night because she doesn't like it when she feels like she has hurt someones feelings. She just knew that little boy was sad and she felt terrible about it.
My heart melted. My seven year old has a heart, a heart made of solid gold.
Not to worry, I explained to her the importance of her feelings and assured her she did nothing wrong, that it was just bad timing and the little boy at the store surely understood that. She slept well that night and is now better prepared for the next time she hurts someones feelings on accident.