A Child's imagination is a wonderful thing!
Kylie recently "found" 500 new kids games (her words) on her Nintendo DS, she is so excited about them.
She was sitting on the couch next to me watching TV and apparently got bored so she grabbed her DS and started to play a game which builds hamburgers. As she played the game she would talk to it "I would like a cheese burger with no pickles, onions or mustard, I will move the bun over here, add the burger, put the cheese over here and oh, I need ketchup. There, it is done. Yay, I get extra points cause I did it so fast." All the while she is pointing and tapping on her device.
Then onto the next game, a fruit game where you choose your favorite fruits and put them in the bowl. She looks at me and says, "Mom, which fruit should I choose?" I tell her "Blueberries sound good, and perhaps Strawberries also." She says "OK, so I need to choose the 'berry bucket' and I will get all the berries. Mom, is watermelon a berry cause I want watermelon too." I say, "No, watermelon is a melon not a berry." She says "OK I'd better get the 'melon bucket' too, there is the melon bucket.. got it." This is a great bowl of fruit and I get an extra cupcake for doing it so fast." Again, this is done by pointing and tapping all over the screen.
Next she plays a numbers game, but this time she wants me to play. "Mom, there are 14 numbers, which one do you want to choose?" I say "14", she says, "Mom, that is not one of the choices, you have to choose from these numbers." And she shows me her DS so I can see which to choose from.
I look over at the screen and it is black, the power is off. She is not playing a game. Well not a game that can be seen by anyone else.
I think it is about time to invest in another DS game.. or 500 of them.