Friday, September 26, 2008

Did that just happen?

You know, it's the little things we take for granted in life. Here is one such example:

As we were leaving for Disneyland to surprise Kylie for her birthday. We were waiting for a shuttle bus to take us to the terminal. Finally, a shuttle pulled up to our stop, I could barely notice a passenger inside the shuttle waving frantically at us, my mind began to wonder who this apparition was. Was it someone I worked with? Was it a weirdo? Was it a neighbor? Was it someone Laurie knew? As we stepped on the bus, still concerned, I looked over and saw a familiar face and heard and heard an even more familiar voice said 'Hey', Kylie looked over and yelled 'Papa!'

Lookin back, what were the chances of that happening? Out of the hundreds of shuttles that run during the day, we jumped on the same one as Papa Payne.


We all should know the importance of recycling our waste, but some people just DON'T get it. Case in point, I'm sitting in a Environmental Science Class, listening to ways to reduce our carbon footprint, when the subject of recycling plastic bags comes up..

Professor asks: How many of you recycle your plastic bags?

more than 1/2 the class raises their hands, at this point I was pretty impressed...

Professor asks a few people 'How do you recycle them?'

One person responds 'I recycle my plastic bags by putting the trash that is my car in them, then I throw them away'

Like I said, some people just DON'T get it.


ahhh, it's about time. About 3 years ago, Laurie set out on an adventure; that adventure included hard work, dedication and a uncanny personality to get a long with others.

Laurie, we want to congratulate you on deserving your degree in Finance!

Now we can use that Finance degree to find a creative way to pay for it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Goof Troop

Yup, here I am with Kylie; what a goofy lookin pair. Laurie always gets mad cause I can't do a real smile for a picture, this pretty much sums up our life; what is life, without the fun? This picture was taken at Disneyland California Adventure, we suprised Kylie with a trip there for her 5th birthday. We told her before we left on the airplane that we were going to get her birthday present, and it started with a 'D', she assumed it was a dog.... haha, little did she know.


Well, here we go. Let me introduce the 2 of the most important people in my life. My gorgeous wife Laurie, and our beautiful, 5 year old daughter Kylie. We all have life stories about trials, tribulations and triumphs; I want to share ours. Stories go unnoticed unless they are told, this is my medium to tell ours. I've been inspired by my family to do this, lets hope its successful.